
📝 Notetaker

reviewdog Static: Active Development

Note taker for notes, blog posts, todo lists from the command line.

The notetaker project aims to help people manage their notes as easily as writing Markdown in their favourite editor.

Main ideas behind notetaker:


In the future, notetaker could be submitted to package managers for easy install. For now, clone the repo and point your PATH to the folder where you’ve cloned it or symlink the binaries where you’d like:

git clone

Create a folder for your notes. By default it is ~/notes, but it could be configured via NOTES_PATH environment variable.

mkdir ~/notes


mkdir ~/Documents/my_notes
echo "export NOTES_PATH=~/Documents/my_notes" >> ~/.bash_profile


Run notes --help for command-line usage:

$ notes --help
Usage: notes [--help | -h | -?] <command> [<args>]

    new                Create a new note with your EDITOR
    list               List all found notes
    todos              List todo items from all of your notes
    find               Find notes with matching title
    search             Search notes for text

    -h, -?, --help     Output usage for notes or a subcommand

Create a note

Just save a new Markdown file with the `.md` extension in your notes directory (~/notes by default):

cat > ~/notes/ <<EOF
# My first journal log
Here are some action items:
- [ ] Install notetaker
- [ ] Check out notes todos


Running notes todos would find and show you the todos not marked as done from all of your notes.

$ notes todos

  - [ ] Check out notes todos

notes todos --done would list only the checked todo items notes todos --all would give you both done and not done todos

Run notes todos --help for all usage details.


Browse current issues first and open an issue for a question, suggestions or to discuss a bigger change. For any concrete suggestions, open a pull requesst.

Public list of potential features would be coming soon on GitHub as issues, milestones and projects.


The notetaker project is licensed under the Unlicense license which is equivalent to the public domain.